
CWAD Grants Process 

Who does CWAD give grants to? 


All grants are to support those who are deaf/deaf-blind/ or other deafness within the area of Coventry, Warwickshire and Solihull. 

  1. Organisations supporting deaf people/deaf-blind etc (from here on referred to as deaf people) 
  1. Individuals who are deaf and who are struggling financially 
  1. Individuals to access education 


What does CWAD give grants for? 

  1. Development of new services to support deaf people (maximum of £2k per individual grant award) 
  1. To support individual events which support deaf people (maximum of £500 per event) 
  1. To support individuals with deaf people who are in financial hardship (maximum of £500 per individual) 
  1. To support individuals who are deaf to access higher education (maximum of £1,500 over the duration of a degree programme, or £500 per year of full-time study for an equivalent level of qualification) 


CWAD’s maximum total grants in a year will vary according to the success of fundraising in any given year. 

All applications are considered on merit and on the funds available for grants at the time of the application.      It is essential to provide suitable references and evidence of deafness. 


When does CWAD determine grants to be awarded: 

At quarterly Trustee Meetings. 


How are grants applied for? 

If you wish to apply for a grant, please complete the relevant form and send to the Treasurer at Coventry & Warwickshire Association for the Deaf, Henry Fry Community Centre, Hertford Place, Coventry, CV1 3JZ. 

For more information about grants or to submit an application, please 

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